Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 30, 2012 "2 Nephi 3:4"For behold thou art the fruit of my loins"

Bonjour Bonjour!

How was your week? Ours was FREEZING!!! Apparently global warming is a rumour and Belgium still gets to be pretty cold...well its not that cold -just  cold enough that scenes from the movie The Day After Tommorow when people start to freeze instantly flashes through my head ...I wish I was exaggerating...please bless the groundhog sees his shadow this week (or not? Whichever means spring is coming...)

This week has been full of some pretty funny moments. On friday night we had some extra awkward time in our night, so we decided to just ride around on the metro and do some metro contacting...well we quickly learned that the metros on a friday night are probably not the best place for missionaries to be...but being human as we are we forgot and decided to try again on Saturday night. So there we are sitting, and this young 20ish girl sits next to me. We start talking, and across the isle there is this lady leaning over listening in. Well, then this guy sits down across from her, and he looks like a Jehovah's Wittness ( you get pretty good at spotting them as a missionary) and before we know it somehow the lady and the guy start yelling at each about what qualifies as a cult and a religion...so that scared our young friend and she got up and left. Well then two more girls sit next to us (meanwhile our lovely religious neighbors are still yelling...)We were all kind of nervously looking at each other and laughing...when one of the girls asked if we were with them (meaning the yelling people) we quickly said no and she was like 'oh good, things of God should be peaceful'....hah YA. We invited them to church, and once they got off the metro we realized we were surrounded by Muslims, two people yelling about cults, and some lovely smelling homeless people...and decided it was time for us to get off as well. I think we will stick to daytime metro contacting from now on...

I've been slowly making my way through the New Testament during my mission and just finished Acts...its a pretty cool book to read as a missionary because holy cow Paul was the missionary to beat all missionaries! I wish we could have Zone Conferance with Elder Paul...I can just see the training 'and when people beat you up and lock you in prison...no fear! Angels will come save you....or when your ship is about to sink and it feels like the end of the world...don't worry you'll land on an island inhabitated by savage people who will be impressed by the miracles you perform"...hmm Im just working on getting people in the metro to accept my little pass along cards...baby steps I suppose.

Kedinnetse continues to do amazing. She now brings a backpack to church because she carries all of the books/manuals we give her haha. We would stop giving her them, except she reads them and loves them! Its just tender to see her on the metro with her backpack ready for church! She told us this week that she is learning so much and loves it! Its so amazing to see someone come to know their Savior and change because of this knowledge.

But it also gets pretty entertaining. Every night we talk to Kedinnetse on the phone and ask how her reading was. Well one night she said she had a question, so we were expecting some sort of doctrinal question (she is amazing- when she doesn't understand something she cross references it to the bible, and really searches for her answers- so when she doesnt understand something its because she has already done her research and still doesn't get it) But this time she asked us what the word 'loins' means. We were both a little confused....and then she explained that she reads the Book of Mormon with a dictionary because english is her second language, and Nephi kept talking about the 'fruit of his loins' and she looked up loins and couldn't understand what Nephi was trying to say. hahah...we quickly explained what it meant in this circumstance...and then got a pretty good laugh. I've really never thought about how wierd that term is...

Im just excited for her upcoming baptism and the fact that we both will be here to see some 'fruits' of our own!
I hope you all have a good week and I love you!
Soeur Smith

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