Sunday, June 5, 2011

May 9, 2011

Bonjour!!!How was your week this week? It was so exciting to hear your voices last night! This morning my companion woke up and looked at me and said... I think I have phonecall hangover... meaning we were all in a little bit of a wierd funk this morning from hearing our families voices! But it was so fun! Just so hard to think of not hearing from you guys again in a very long time! But Paris is great! Im loving it and this week was another crazy busy one! We met with a couple of recent converts this week... one has been a convert for about a year... but she speaks english really well so I love meeting with her because I can actually contribute to the conversation haha The other was baptized just a week ago in the Switerzland mission but moved to Paris so we get to meet with her! I guess her brother joined the church about a year ago and in the process shared the gospel with his sister. So cool! Anyways she great but speaks ridiculously fast... and no english so its difficult for me to even know whats going on lol

Anne Sophie continues to be amazing! She is moving quickly through the book of mormon and she said that although at first when the missionaries set up her baptisimal calendar she said it seemed like it was so close, but now it feels like it can't come fast enough! Im so excited for her! This week we had some other teaching adventures...we teach english to a member in our ward's granddaugter because we dont have permission from her mom to teach her the lessons. We just teach english with not so subtle gospel messages and are working on getting permission to teach her... except that she is like a deamon child! We tried to talk with her about fun stuff... Justin Bieber, her friends, etc. but she just like to get distracted and change the subject from everything but english. At one point I said something to the effect of we need to finish her english homework and next thing I know she is pouting and going off in french to my companion and the only word I could hear was 'mechant' or something like that... anyways it means 'mean' so I thought she was getting all mad at me and calling me mean. Turns out she was telling a story about her english teacher and how the kids at school hate her.... but I walked out of that lesson thinking she hated me and ya... it was funny to look back on. We also taught a referral from one of the elders. Eliane is from Africa and she is here all by herself with no family. She is pregnant and her other son is still in Africa. Anyways we taught her the first lesson and she said she would read the Book of Mormon... it was so cool because I actually got to testify and felt the spirit so strong. The only sad thing is she doesn't live in our area so we have to pass her to the other sisters. We did have a funny experience when we taught her to pray... we told her that we would pray at the begginning and give her an example and then she could pray at the end of the lesson. Apparently there was some miscommunication because when my companion started to pray, Eliane started copying her word for word; so my companion said 'please bless Eliane' and she said ' please bless Eliane' haha it was kind of entertaining. We also noticed as we were leaving her apartment that she had a jehovahs witness pamphlet on the table meaning that either she thinks we are JW or that is searching for something... I guess we will see haha. Finally we taught our grocery store clerk... I guess he remembers my companion from the last time she lived in Paris and we got his number. Initially we were going to just give him a tour of the church, end in the visitors center, have the elders 'happen' to walk in, and pass him off to the elders. Well it went really well; he liked the idea of the Book of Mormon and asked some good questions, but then the elders called and said they couldn't make it. So then we had to kind of teach him the first lesson while just standing there... and I guess he kind of told my companion that everyone has dreams and visions just Joseph Smith dared to write them we are thinking he kind of sees himself as a visionary. So we will pass his number to the elders and see how that goes haha.

We were well fed this week by the members. On May 4th we went to an american family's apartment and celebrated ' May the 4th be with you'/ may the FORCE be with you... get it? Anyways apparently its official Star Wars day and they went all out! They have 3 little boys and it was so fun... they had 'yoda soda' and forest of endor vegetables and han solo stuck in the carbonite/jello the list goes on and on... it was hilarious! The best part was that I braided Sister Pearce's hair like Princess Leah! Her hair is oober long so it worked! But we got a couple contacts out of it on the metro haha... people asked what her hair was for and if had to do with her nametag... so we got explain that its official star wars day AND that we are missionaries haha. It was great. We also went out to eat at this place called Angalina's with a member of the ward. It was SO good! They are famous for their chocolate and deserts... and their hot chocolate tasted like drinking a candy bar! We felt like quite high class eating our fancy lunch in this cute resturaunt. We also had our DMP meeting in front of the Eiffel Tower this week... how cool is that!? We all brought food for a picnic and sat at the Champs de Mars and discussed our investigators! Of course I had no idea what was going on in the meeting so I just tuned out all the french blabber and enjoyed the view! It was great! haha Then the next night one of the au pairs here in the ward had set up a dinner appointment with us and so she called and told us to meet her at the same place. She showed up with Pizza and 3 other au pairs in the ward... so we got two dinners in a row right in front of the eiffel tower! I love serving in Paris!

Some other highlights from the week... we went and served lunch at the Red Cross. The guy in charge of the lunch there looks like Josh Groben.. and it was fun to watch him put his instructions in simple enough french for me to understand haha. But I got it eventually lol. We also had a district finding activity where we drew a giant plan du salut/ plan of salvation with sidewalk chalk and then contacted people walking by... it was actually really effective because people were already curious and willing to talk about what we were doing. We also got a refferal from the San Diego Mormon Batillion Center... turns out they are super effective because she is still in the states! haha So we will have to follow up on that later this month.

Church this week wasn't as crazy and we knew more ward members. We had to introduce ourselves... which normally I like public speaking... but not in french! It was good though because more people realiazed we are new and came and introduced themselves. Oh well its over with for now or at least until I'm transferred to another ward haha. We had a couple rendez vous after church and then we got our mothers day phone calls! It was so exciting to talk to you! I love you all and hope everything is going well at home!!! Till next week... Bonne Journée!

Soeur Smith

PS Sorry we have to go to our paris bday party but i will write other emails later and try and email pictures!

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